Sunday, August 29, 2010

lossing weight safly why important

Weight loss: Safety should be considered ..!!!!

Obesity in itself is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, massive poorly monitored weight loss and/or weight cycling can have equally dire consequences.this mean weight loss ... in safer way in very important.. question arise how....and why???Answer is :

IF weight loss is not is dangerous  why??

because 1) the important potential complications to watch out for in the setting of weight loss are cardiac arrhythmias;
2)electrolyte derangements, of which hypokalemia is the most important;
3) hyperuricemia; and
4) psychologic sequelae, including depression and the development of eating disorders (particularly binge-eating disorders).

The 3 major phases of any successful weight-loss program are

(1) phase of preinclusion screening ; (2) program of definitive weight loss; and (3) a phase of maintenance, which can conceivably last for the rest of the subject's life but which must last for at least 2 years after the weight-loss program is completed.

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