There are so many requests for free workout plans to lose fat that I just have to help out here. These workout plans will leave you wondering why you are so cold, then you realize you have no body fat left so you have to put on extra clothes.
I will include one gym workout with weights and one without weights to give something for everybody, just remember, you can not put on muscle or lose fat unless your nutrition is in alignment with your plans (see bottom for more info).Have safe weight loss with these plans
Free fat loss workout plan 1 (weight lifting workout):
I will include one gym workout with weights and one without weights to give something for everybody, just remember, you can not put on muscle or lose fat unless your nutrition is in alignment with your plans (see bottom for more info).Have safe weight loss with these plans
Free fat loss workout plan 1 (weight lifting workout):
- Dead lifts: 3 x 10
- Clean and press: 4 x 12
- Squats: 5 x 8
- Calf raises: 4 x 30
- Tucking crunches: 3 x 20
- Incline bench press: 4 x 8
- Burpees: 20
- Wall sit: 1 minute
- Plank: 1 minute
- Jumping jacks: 100
- Bicycle crunch: 50
- Prisoner squats: 50
- Lunges: 30
- Repeat this workout 3 times or more for the best results, should take half an hour if you res a minute at the end of each circuit.
Studies shows that one way to achieve your ideal weight is aside with your regular healthy diet also consider having a good drink that helps you detoxify and one of the best drink is matcha powder or matcha green tea powder this has a lot of benefits that your body needs it helps you detoxify and good prevention from diabetes and cardio vascular diseases. Buy matcha for a healthy you.